As the party stands before the slain Flerga and this Tabaxi presumed to be the fabled Nadia, she introduced herself to the group as the “right hand women” to the leader of the Wu-Ton Clan, Athoreus Dimary. During this discussion she said after some persuasion that the Wu-Ton clan were responsible for hiring The Shades for the murder of Lord Mendas, though she would not reveal why they wanted the lord dead. She went on to mention that because the Wu-Ton were done with the Shades that they were now going to kill the leader of the Shades himself, and frame him for the murder of Lord Mendas.

While seemingly unthreatened by the party, she was impressed with their initiative. In return for this impressive display she would let the party live so long as they leave the nation. After some discussion and attempted persuasion Raul mentioned his father Pahoon, who died many years ago. This caught Nadia’s attention…she stated that his father aided the Wu-Ton and they sent him to Farr off into the wilderness to find something within a temple but he never returned. Nadia contemplated this for a minute before offering 50 platinum pieces to the party to retrieve the item within the temple deep in the wilderness. The party reluctantly agreed. She told the group to meet here at the border of the wilderness and the national border of Catal. She gave them 5 days to say their goodbyes, gather supplies, and make it to the redeavous spot. Then by magical means she vanished. 

After she left the party discussed how they should be caution working with he Wu-Ton but this was a thread to follow for Raul’s sake and to use the mantra, “keep thy enemies close” at least for the time being this would bide the party time to uncover the Wu-Ton’s plans without being a direct enemy of theirs. 

The party looked around for a bit in the cave and discovered the animals, with some finagling of locks they released the animals and found Yon Vanerwild unconscious. With Yon passed out they placed him upon Marvns back after checking that he was alive. The party herded the animals of cattle back to the farm. During this time Yon awoke and the party began to update him with what had been happening. A bit dazed and overwhelmed he agreed to come with the party back to Boulder. The party told him they needed to bring him back and to gather supplies and leave town, he was welcome to join them if he wished but he needed to think on it some more and reflect on the events of what had happened. 

Returning to Haggen farms, Tgilla Haggen was ecstatic with the group and told them he could no pay them and said that Lord Mendas had the money for the payment. With that the party was happy to help and headed back to Boulder with Yon and their contract fulfilled. The party used their time on their journey back to Boulder to ask Yon questions about what happened to him but he couldn’t recall much, he told them a bit about his life and the mission he was tasked with but nothing of note came to the parties attention. 

Once the party arrived back in Boulder they found the city on lockdown because of the assassination. The party was confronted by a guard captain, Aryn Sparrowhawk and she was curious why they came back to the city. The party told her they were told to leave for a job and come back which they did, she was reluctant to let the party back into town but because they were accompanied by Yon she let them into the town.

While walking the streets of the city they found the streets lifeless, vendors abandoned their post, no people in the streets, and eerie feeling. The party eventually ran into their contact, the goblin Grig again. Grigs informed the group that things in the city are evermore dangerous, he was willing to travel with them but the party told him to lay low since they were all in danger. He told Baelon he would get more information for them while laying low. The party continued to the city castle .

Once back at the castle the guards let the party accompanied by Yon back into the castle but no-one was to be allowed in the Mendas keep, they must remain on the main floor. Once in the castle proper the party split up from yon and went to the great hall to rest a bit. In here they took shifts for the night watch because they felt that someone was out to kill them. Spades and Baelon stays dup and discussed curses and Baelon’s past. Spades agreed to help Baelon study the curse that plagues him and to keep it a secret from the group. The next watch Muk started to sleep walk in which he was awaken. Marvin was on a sugar high and passed out in the corner of the room. Muk bathed himself to hydrate his Grung skin and nothing happened while keeping watch…bringing forth the next day in the uneasy city of Boulder.