About Us

We are three best friends who have known each other for over twenty years. Though we began our journey into tabletop gaming recently, we enjoy all that comes with it. We believe that everyone can enjoy these games and use them as a creative outlet and opportunity to play with friends. Our only regret is that we didn’t play sooner, we hope that our tool can help empower others to start playing sooner and enjoy all that comes with rolling a “nat 20”.

We sincerely thank you for rolling with us!

Our Mission

To create a tool so immersive that it blurs the lines between reality and your imagination.

Our Team

Jake Mussehl, Chief Executive Game Master and Co-Founder of AdventurePlane

I am a lifelong nerd who has always enjoyed playing games, watching movies,  reading books, and writing stories. I have been motivated greatly by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, Frank Herbert, George Lucas  and many many more. In addition to being a bit of a nerd, I love american football and spending time outdoors biking and jogging. What I enjoy the most however, is spending time with my wife Lydia, our Daughter Wren and our two dogs. I want to personally thank all of our players who support us and all that we do!

Brandon Christman, Chief Technology Tinkerer and Co-Founder of AdventurePlane

A builder and creator from the beginning. I’ve always enjoyed creating things. It started with LEGO’s, eventually leading to creating worlds in Minecraft, and now I create software for the web.

When I’m not writing software I’m spending time with my wife Jaime and our son Watson.

Derek Blomberg, Chief Information Overseer, and the other guy that works for Adventure Plane

I grew up watching my Dad and his friends playing D&D and RPG video games, which is where my passion for D&D and video games began. I never got to really get into a D&D campaign until a few years ago where a close group of my friends decided one day that we would all give it a shot! 2 years later and we are into our second campaign and have no signs of stopping. Passed D&D and video games, I am a huge movie and tv series watcher, but love my outdoors time. I enjoy watching any sports, going camping, and going golfing. Recently my girlfriend and I went out to Glacier National Park and I highly recommend it. Thanks everyone for the support of Adventure Plane and cannot wait to talk and meet you all!