The campaign opens with the an Air Genasi, Adara and her boss Baelon Salarius, an elderly Red Tiefling standing prim and proper in elaborate clothing. The two are preparing their float just prior to the parade making sure that the wine has settled appropriately before issuing out samples to the townsfolk. Across the street a family of Grungs is bickering over their honey stand while their children frolic around. Mukabees Honey, ran by the Green Grung Muk and his wife Loom are humble folk who are excited to deliver a large shipment of Honey to the Wisehollow proprietor Baelon Salarius. As the parade begins in earnest, two towns gaurd patrol behind the crowds. Sergeat Argento, a younger Goliath trynig to get his partner Jive to take his duties a bit more seriously. The energetic Triton more focused on the festivities than his duties trys to convince his partner to take a load off and enjoy the festival, as they notice a hooded blue Dragonborn with a great-sword sheathed on his back and a dragon egg hanging from his belt loop in a small chainmail bag. Argento and Jive, stop this Dragonborn who seems to be skulking behind the Wutangclan’s elaborate golden float. The Dragonborn Raul, seems determined but not dangerous as he moves past the two. In the passing parade the Marvelous Many and the Great Burtold, a hobgoblin in a baggy cloak performing what appears to be hand magic or some type of an illusion to the onlooking Grung Family.

As the festivities continue, the Parade comes to a halt. A small humanoid, gnome or halfling seems to be laying down in the middle of the parade route just ahead of the Beletaninan Zoo float. Curious, the guards begin to approach with Baelon, Muk, Bertold, and the mysterious Raul. Just as the floats come to a stop a large explosion destroys the Zoo’s float. The small humanoid quickly jumps to their feet and sprints from the scene, Jive runs the opposite direction and Argento rushes to Muk’s Family to make sure they are safe. Just as the small creature escapes the eye sight of the onlookers, a huge snake and bear escape their cages in the chaos. Muk paralyzed with fear in the face of the snake is unable to move even with his family in danger while Argento, Raul, and Bertold the Great rush the great serpent. They make quick work of the beast in time to save the Grung and his family, While the bear begins its assault on Adara, the old Tiefling Baelon puts himself between the animal and his friend and defends her long enough to burn the creature away with an evocation of some kind.

As the five come together to inquire with the guard what is going on, he explains that he doesn’t know what is going on. Baelon and Argento realize that the creatures were bewitched with come kind of magic, as Muk aids his family and Bertold the Great tries to comfort the fearful children with illusions. As the five try to understand what is happening, Royal Guards approach the scene to uncover what is going on. As Baelon shows his permit to cast spells, the Guards seem to ease on the witnesses but ask for the five of them to come to the keep to speak with Lord Mendas about the events of the day.

As these five strangers head to the keep to speak with the lord they attempt to get to know one another and understand what just happened. After waiting sometime for the Lord they finally get an audience. Lord Mendas tells the five that the leader of the Beletanian Zoo was not on the float which was strange as he loves the festival and his animal, he also acknowledged that they want to keep this incident quite, as to not stir up chaos during such an important festival. He asks the five to investigate a bit more, should they prove to uncover what is going on he would put in a good word with the other lords and even offer an official contract agreement for other work in the realm. Worried about this incident the five reluctantly agree to pursue this strange event.

The five go back to the scene of the crime to investigate a bit more, Argento learned that whatever blew the float up was chemical rather than arcane but the animals appeared to be cursed or bewitched. Baelon invites Muk and his family back to Wisehollow Winery to remain safe, as the city could be dangerous for children. They agree and head out of town back to Wisehollow Winery. Further investigation from Bertold the Great reveals that an interesting material was found on the shrapnel pieces of the explosion. While Raul, ventures off into the Belly Up Inn to have himself some Tequila where he met Grin and Tracy, a Gnomish couple who were trying to enjoy the festival. As the party goes into the Belly Up Inn to grab some food and continue their investigation.