As the Party of T.B.D. stands in the town square watching the headsman axe fall upon the neck of someone who was not in-fact Shade the crowd erupts into chaos. Athoreus Dimary and Nadia Scandali of the Wu-Ton become frustrated as they leave the area as quickly as they could. The crowd begins to push toward the scaffolding and the party with them. Baelon the elderly Tiefling attempts to distract the crowd with an explosion from behind using illusionary magic but the sound is muffled in the echoes between the buildings. Marvin asks spades if they can flee the area because people had become increasily agitated in the crowd, Spades agrees and Marvin uses his Unicorn Magic to teleport the two to them away from the crowd. Eventually the group makes their way to one another they push their way to the stage to investigate the area. However the area was far too chaotic and they pushed back through the crowd and all agreed the time had come to leave the city of Boulder behind. It had become far too dangerous for them and the major players in this war within the shadows was above their pay grade so to speak.

The Party each ran a few errands around town before leaving, Muk, Raul and Argento went to Muks home on the outskirts of town to meet the rest of the party before departing, while Bertold, Spades, Marvin, and Bealon visited the Alchemist for some supplies. However the shop was locked up due to the lockdown of the city. No matter though, Bertold picked the lock but almost as soon as the door creaked open an air Elemental appeared and attacked the party….the few of them tried to fend the elemental off but with little success. Had it not been for the Goblin shop keep arriving back to put an end to it they may have died. She would have called the Guards but recognized Baelon from her shady dealings in the back alley several nights prior and agreed to drop it for 10gp. Bertold did manage to steal a few items while the fight with the Air Elemental ensued but returned them…most of them…from here the four of them returned to the cart and horses in which they ran into Yon. He said all his affairs were wrapped up and he was ready to leave. Thankfully Yon had a letter that would allow passage for the group out of the city during the lockdown…The same could not be said for Muk, Raul, and Argento.

While the others were dealing with the Air Elemental, Muk, Raul, and Argento were stopped at the city gate with no legal way to pass. Raul and Argento intimidated the guards while Muk used his Grung legs to leap over the guards and run for Muks home. Though they encountered a brief chase they managed to elude the guards and make it to Muks home. At the Mukabee homestead Muk’s wife Loom, had a conversation with Muk. Muk urged his wife to leave Boulder and find somewhere safe in the Free Cities while he left with the group to earn enough coin to set them up elsewhere. But she seemed confused and Muk told her the truth…that it was he that killed Lord Mendas…she became furious and shouted at him…telling him to leave and never return. Muk begrudgingly accepted and left his family. Muk then took to the outhouse…to have a word with his Patron, Draccus. While in this outhouse he called on his patron to protect his family and that if he did this he would attempt to spread the word of Draccus to grow its influence as a faithful servant of the Aboleth. Draccus spoke to Muk, and agreed. Finally, the party regrouped at the crossroads where they started toward their destination…the wilderness beyond the nation of Catal, leaving Boulder behind them in hopes of learning more of the mysterious Wu-Ton Clan and the Shades.